






Fondata in Marzo, 2020, iFarm.Management si focalizza sull'applicazione del Pensiero Sistemico e della Theory of Constraints nell'Industria 4.0, e sulla creazione di reti e comunità di pratica digitalizzate.

Established in March, 2020, iFarm.Management focuses on the application of Systemic Thinking and Theory of Constraints in Industry 4.0, and on the creation of digitilized networks and communities of practice.

Richiesta Informazioni/Info Request

Orari di Apertura/We are open:

Lun/Mon - Ven/Fri: 09.00 - 18.00 [GMT+1, Rome]

Chiuso/Closed: Sab-Dom/Sat-Sun

iFarm.Management operates in compliance with the EU Regulations for GDPR #2016/679. The e-mail address of the recipient(s) is included in our database because you has/have expressed your consent by making a request or because it was acquired from public sources or directories or because it was registered as a result of business meetings or personal contacts, such as telephone, fax, e-mail, certified e-mail (PEC). We inform you that the data are collected, stored and used exclusively for the purpose of sending information related to the activities carried out by the Consulting Company and will not be communicated to other subjects, nor will they be disseminated, unless explicitly consented. For any information, you may exercise the rights referred to in Sections 2 "Information and Access to personal data", "Section 3: Correction and Deletion" of the same Regulation and report of abuse: in this regard, please contact me as the data controller at the email address: privacy(at)